Holy Spirit Flow Through Me
The other day while hosting our daily program Living Waters, I played a song, “Holy Spirit Flow Through Me,” that was written by Walt Mills, and sung by my grandfather. As the song played, I could sense the presence of the Lord beginning to move. I sat there and listened intently as those simple words began to flow through my heart. Without question, it was as if I were praying those words in my spirit, Holy Spirit flow through me.
I began to look back on my own life and wondered what my life would have been like without the moving and operation of the Holy Spirit working in me. To be honest, I don’t really know where I would be without the Holy Spirit leading and guiding my footsteps. I’m not sure what I would be involved in, where I would be, or with whom I would be associated were it not for the Spirit of God working.
I can honestly say that I am where I am, and I have the privilege of doing what I’m doing all because of the third member of the triune Godhead—the person of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, I honestly do not believe that I would have the ministry that I have today if I were not filled with the Spirit.
I would not have had the opportunity to see scores of people saved and filled with the Spirit in our Crossfire services, our rallies, and through the SonLife Broadcasting Network were it not for that pivotal moment on a particular Sunday night 28 years ago when I prayed for my younger brother, Matthew, who was seeking the Holy Spirit, incidentally.
When I laid my little hand on his shoulder, I began to feel something in my innermost being—words and a language that I had not known before. As the tears began to flow down my cheeks, my dad looked down at me and said, “Gabriel, the Holy Spirit is all over you. Open your mouth and begin to speak what you feel.” It was so simple. When I heard those words, I did exactly as he said, and I opened my mouth and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance.
It was a turning point in my life that has led me to where I am today, and I cannot be thankful or grateful enough to my Saviour who has blessed me with the greatest gift that He could give to His people—the baptism with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues. I personally believe—and I believe this according to Scripture—that this gift is for today and is for all who follow Jesus Christ.
However, most believers fail to take advantage of this gift, and I don’t understand why. They are failing to take advantage of one of the single greatest experiences that can happen in the life of any believer. On top of that, it is Scriptural (which will be a whole other blog that will generate a lot of debate I’m sure).
In closing, I would like to appeal to those who read this to make the song I mentioned, or at least the words of the song, a prayer for your everyday life. Let those words—Holy Spirit flow through me—be your heart’s desire and ask for His leading and guidance in all that you do. You never know when you just might run into somebody who is in need. The Holy Spirit will lead you directly to that person to minister to him or her at that time. This is my prayer, and I pray that it will be yours.
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